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We drive brand success
through design and animation.

Communication is changing – and visions need to move faster than ever before. We take your ideas, and make them catch people’s eyes – and attention. We do Creative Communication at its best: dynamic, engaging, unforgettable. Check out our reel, selection of best cases or reach out directly. We are open.

How many words worth is a clip when a still picture is already worth a thousand words?

It‘s no secret that animated content is always the winner in communication – both psychological- and algorithm-wise. And what‘s better than animation? Good animation with story and purpose. We strip out all the distractions of the real world, and focus on your message.

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Turning Abstract into Tangible

Syngenta USA challenged us to frame their technology of digital agriculture into stories. Easy to understand and fun to watch. We extracted the key facts and made them a story. Being responsible for every little step in the whole production process made the cooperation unmachted flexible and efficient.

3D Product Launch

Having watersports in our DNA it was an honor when Neilpryde reached out to let us turn in the product-launch of their very much anticipated brand new FLY Wing. We’ve created a whole set of visually stunning teasers as well as magazine-ads and exhibition stands. Pretty fly.

The Perfect Show

IBM iX reached out to showcase their work for BARMER health insurance, which not only includes apps and website but also digital strategy, corporate design and illustration. Our showcase-video was the perfect tool to win a variety of prices in the creative field.

It’s reel